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Assault bundle
Posted: 1 year ago | Selling full assault bundle NO seperate sales

Item Description
Hey team selling my assault kit, as I am moving back to Australia ! This is being sold as a complete package NO seperate sales !! What comes with 1 x area’s honey badger, battery extension, front grip, new spring, new CZI 22 TPA motor, new O ring and nozzle, full steel cylinder, and maple leaf hop up, sitting around 284/287 FPS. DE UTR 45 with front grip, tracer muzzle, scope and scope guard, has small upgrades on the inside, not from me but previous owner. Also has 3 mags (working) and sling. 5 newish PTS mags 150rd sling for the badger, Deadpool G17 with 2 mags, 1911 desert with two mags and RH holster, 1 warrior LH pistol holster, 1 muzzle sock, one face mask, viper chest rig is set up for the UTR and 1 recon chest rig, 1 pistol lanyard, 1 duel rif carry bag and 4 radio’s with a charge unit. 1 rubber trench combat knife and a few little extra’s for those who buy. The badger runs off tamya and the UTR on deans, also have 3 lipo’s for the badge. 1300 is the price CASH or bank transfer only will to meet in middle for sale. Cheers
- Category: Assault Rifles
- Location: East Kent
- Condition: Used
- FPS: 287*
* All FPS figures are approximate as temperature, gas, manufacturing changes can all affect the FPS.