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£350.00 + £0.00pp

Moving away sale

Posted: 1 year ago | Moving away sale, all items need to go


Hammersmith and Fulham
Joined: 1 year ago

Item Description

Moving away, selling my old stuff off. Giving priority to those who want to pick up the whole set, but I will try to help with selling individual items if possible. Low ballers and negotiation/haggling is fine, just be polite and reasonable. All items as is.

Postage is not included unless otherwise arranged. Pick up is preferred.

Double Bell SCAR-L
- Externally good condition, some internals partially missing, hopup etc. Comes with 2 midcaps and a wind up hicap, as well as pictured accessories.

ASG MK23 w/ 3 magazines
- Excellent condition, suppressor included. Magazines are in excellent condition, still holding gas with no leaks. Comes with Flyye Spec Ops drop leg holster

CPC replica vest with assorted pouches and Crye MRB belt replica
- Decent quality vest, various magazine, utility and radio pouches included. MRB belt is included, may not contain inner belt however.

Miscellaneous items
- Various bits of kit for airsoft, batteries/charger, chronograph, fast loader, amplified ear pro w/ U94 style PTT (Kenwood, civvy wiring)

  • Category: Other
  • Location: Hammersmith and Fulham
  • Condition: Used
  • FPS: 300*
    * All FPS figures are approximate as temperature, gas, manufacturing changes can all affect the FPS.

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