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£30.00 + £20.00pp

HFC Mac 11

Posted: 1 year ago | Works great in cqb / For outdoor back up


22% Positive
Joined: 1 year ago

Item Description

Great back up gun full auto and semi 50 rounds mag rps is crazy 50 rounds in les than 2 sec nice little kick to it really snappy due to the short travel of the bolt solid never dropped the actual gun magazine has few marks of dropping it a few times since I had it but no problems with gas leaks or anything gas efficiency is consistent depending on the weather as we all know but I’ve used it in winter time this year playing outdoors and it performed pretty well (bought frompatrol base 115£)

  • Category: Assault Rifles
  • Location: Dacorum
  • Condition: Used
  • FPS: 280*
    * All FPS figures are approximate as temperature, gas, manufacturing changes can all affect the FPS.

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