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£280.00 + £20.00pp

Specna Arms Rock River Arms M4

Posted: 9 months ago | Specna Arms Rock River Arms M4 neg airsoft


83% Positive
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Item Description

Specna Arms Rock River Arms M4 upgraded by Luke at Negative Airsoft,
gearbox re-shimmed , maple leaf hop rubber, gearbox cleaned and regreased, a Gate Warfet installed and set up to only run with an 11.1v battery, has an after market handguard fitted too, snappy trigger response good range only skirmished once so pretty much brand new i dont airsoft any more so seems a waste to just keep it in the cupboard comes with the instructions for the Warfet and the programming card...

  • Category: Assault Rifles
  • Location: Flintshire
  • Condition: Used
  • FPS: 350*
    * All FPS figures are approximate as temperature, gas, manufacturing changes can all affect the FPS.

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