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Posted: 7 months ago | Tokyo Marui MWS BCM Build

RushmoorJoined: 1 year ago
Item Description
BCM QD End Plate
K2 MOE Grip
MOE SL-S Stock
BCM Mlok Verticl Grip
Socom Flash Hider
Magpul BAD lever
Mlok QD Sling Point
PTS Radian Raptor Charging Handle
BCM 10" Rail
Guns Modify Bolt Carrier, Nozzle and NPAS
120% Buffer Spring
Buffer Spacer
Shifting Buffer Weight
Bavtac Nub
Flamingo 60 Bucking
Bavtac Zet Plate
Repro SF M600 Torch
Arisaka inline torch mount
Scalarworks riser with t2 red dot
X1 TM MWS OEM Gas tight mag
- Category: Assault Rifles
- Location: Rushmoor
- Condition: Used
- FPS: 350*
* All FPS figures are approximate as temperature, gas, manufacturing changes can all affect the FPS.