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Vorsk 5.1 Hi Capa & Misc
Posted: 4 months ago | Pistol + Job Lot Accessories

Item Description
Vorsk Hi Capa 5.1 Pistol Gas Powered with 2 magazines RRP: 125
Mixed Accessories including, mini pistol gas powered, 2 tracers, glow in the dark bbs, normal bbs, an AK-47 magazine, eye protection, 2 pants, 2 tops, skull face cover, gloves, ear piece for radio, radio charger, pistol holster, safe storage charging bag, assorted chest rig pieces.
Assorted Accessories RRP: Easily over 200 all in, one of the tracers alone was 70.
- Category: Pistols
- Location: Wokingham
- Condition: Used
- FPS: 320*
* All FPS figures are approximate as temperature, gas, manufacturing changes can all affect the FPS.