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£50.00 + £0.00pp

Wrapped sniper rifle,3 mags

Posted: 2 months ago | Not sure of brand, problems firing


93% Positive
Joined: 2 years ago

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Item Description

So this sniper I bought off my uncle and worked fine but now some 2 of the 3 mags don’t fit right and when it fires it gets stuck and either have to pull it a little more or have to tap it to let it off

Unsure what’s wrong with it but I’m no pro could be something easy, comes with 3 mags

Needs to be collection only and I’ll sell it for £50

  • Category: Spares & Repairs
  • Location: Bolsover
  • Condition: Spares & Repairs
  • FPS: 300*
    * All FPS figures are approximate as temperature, gas, manufacturing changes can all affect the FPS.

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