Mike24 (71% Positive)
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Received my order broken they said send it back for a refund sent never heard back or got my money so they took 140 quid
Great guy. Thanks for all your help.
- in regards to item WELL MB05 Advanced Sniper Rifl
Came fast great guy, cheap prices.
Doesn't get back to sellers
- in regards to item Looking for Boneyard RIFs
super quick response no messing
- in regards to item JG MP5 AEG Full Metal
once contacted through email was a great communicator, couldn't always get back to you straight away, but would reply when he could. Package came quickly once payment was made and as advertised and he is still willing to talk once customer has package
User's Listings
SRC Baba Yaga Combat M Hi Capa
Includes 2 CO2 Mags, Takes Green Gas Mags
SA Rock River Arms SA-E10 Edge
Specna Arms Rock River Arms SA-E10 Edge
WELL MB-4411 Sniper Upgraded
WELL MB-4411 Bolt Action Sniper Pre Upgraded
G&G AKM AK Electric Blowback
Real Wood, Fill Metal, Electric Blowback
JG AK74U Full Metal Real Wood
Electric Blowback includes Batteries and Mags
WELL MB05 Advanced Sniper Rifl
Includes Richter 4x40 Scope and Bipod
Krytac Trident MKII CRB
Like New Condition but Slight Cosmetic Damage
CYMA CM.126s Mosfet M9 AEP
Mosfet Edition/2 Mags/Immaculate Condition
CYMA CM.121 Desert Eagle AEP
Electric Pistol with Perun Mosfet and 4 Mags